Texas Fibroid Awareness Month

Attend a Self-Care Fair During Texas Fibroid Awareness Month

July has been officially designated as Texas Fibroid Awareness Month!

Uterine fibroids are one of the most common health issues facing women of all races. Many women experience symptoms such as significant pelvic pain, increased urinary frequency, anemia, miscarriages, infertility, and heavy bleeding. Despite the commonality of this condition, there is a lack of research funding, and overall awareness for women to talk through treatment options with their physicians.

To encourage women to speak with their OB/GYN about getting an updated screening for uterine fibroids and the best treatment options to protect their health, we are promoting a Self-Care Fair.

The Barbara Jordan Leadership Institute is coordinating this event with the support of title sponsor Merit Medical and other community sponsors. The event is family-friendly and FREE for guests to attend.

WHATFort Worth Self-Care Fair
WHEN7.30.2022, 10 am to 2 pm
WHEREForest Hill Civic & Convention Center, 6901 Wichita St, Forest Hill, TX 76140
Self care fair Fibroid Awareness Month

Donate to the feminine hygiene supply drive at each event!

Here is our first donation for the Dallas Fibroid Awareness Month feminine hygiene supply drive! Donations from the supply drive will go to the Austin Street Shelter.
WHATDallas Self-Care Fair
WHEN7.16.2022, 11 am to 3 pm
WHEREAfter 8 to Educate (Fannie C. Harris Youth Center), 4212 E Grand Ave, Dallas, TX 75223

Attend the Dallas Fibroid Awareness Month Self-Care Fair or visit other events across the state:

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