Fibroid Awareness Month 2023 Fort Worth event 01

Uterine Fibroid Awareness Month Events Recap

What a great Uterine Fibroid Awareness Month!

The Fibroid Institute supported, attended, and helped sponsor self-care health fairs in honor of Fibroid Awareness Month. The events were family-friendly and FREE. Attendees enjoyed giveaways, vendors, screenings, and games! There was a feminine hygiene supply drive for collecting favorite period products at each event.

Scroll down to see a few photos of a fun time had at the Dallas and Fort Worth events.

Even though July is over, the Fibroid Institute will continue to empower, educate, and advocate for women with fibroids. Every woman deserves to know all her fibroid treatment options so she can make the best decision for her individual situation.

Please join us next July for Uterine Fibroid Awareness Month events in Texas.

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