fibroid treatment Alicia other options besides hysterectomy

Alicia Shares Her Fibroid Treatment Journey and Recommends Second Opinions

Alicia* admits she tried to ignore her growing list of fibroid symptoms. Granted, it was not common for a young and otherwise healthy woman to have heart palpitations and shortness of breath. Because she worked in a hospital, she knew there were plenty of opportunities to say something to someone who could help. Instead, she suffered in silence, thinking that her sleeping problems, heavy menstrual cycles, breathing issues, and heart condition would get better on their own. Sadly, they got worse, and after a trip to the hospital and her gynecologist, she was diagnosed with two ovarian cysts and several uterine fibroids. The recommendation was a hysterectomy to remove the cysts and fibroids at the same time. Alicia was ready to accept—but only because she wanted to find relief so badly. Thankfully, a friend insisted she get a second opinion, which helped her realize that less invasive fibroid treatment options were available.

While 70-80% of women between 35 and 54 will develop fibroids during their lifetime, many do not know what fibroids are, how fibroids can affect their lives, and that fibroid symptoms can be blamed on “typical women’s health issues.”

Alicia’s story is a poignant example that fibroid awareness is strikingly low. Initiatives such as July’s Fibroid Awareness Month were created to draw attention to uterine fibroids, give women access to fibroid treatment alternatives and education, and push for more adequate funding levels, but we still have a long way to go. While 70-80% of women between 35 and 54 will develop fibroids during their lifetime, many do not know what fibroids are, how fibroids can affect their lives, and that fibroid symptoms can be blamed on “typical women’s health issues.” Many women are also unaware that a hysterectomy does not always have to be the only solution.

At Fibroid Institute Texas, our fibroid doctors are committed to spreading the word that fibroids are not simply part of being a woman and that non-surgical fibroid treatment options do exist. That is why we helped spearhead legislation three years ago that made Texas one of 10 states to recognize Fibroid Awareness Month. Our dedication is the reason why we continue to promote innovative fibroid treatment options, including uterine fibroid embolization (UFE). Alicia chose UFE, and she insists it was the quickest and most effective way to help her reclaim her life.

Are you concerned about possible fibroid symptoms?

Schedule a consult with Fibroid Institute, national advocates for treatment without fibroid surgery.

Fibroid Pain: “You Just Want To Get It Over With”

Fibroids are noncancerous growths of the uterus that can stay the same size or grow at different rates and in different locations. Depending on where fibroids grow, they can press against internal organs and lead to uncomfortable symptoms. Not all women with fibroids experience symptoms. Those who do, however, typically report symptoms ranging from heavy menstrual bleeding and cramping to fatigue, constipation, urinary infrequency, painful intercourse, back pain, and more. If left untreated, these issues tend to get worse.

Alicia had never heard of fibroids before, and her situation also stumped doctors at first due to her unique symptoms.

Her journey started with heart palpitations and shortness of breath, which Alicia ignored for as long as she could. When she finally went to her primary doctor, she was diagnosed with anemia. Alicia was eventually sent to receive blood infusions at the hospital, where they also ran tests that showed several abnormalities. That led to a trip to her gynecologist and gynecologic oncologist, who diagnosed her with two cysts on her ovaries and several fibroids.

“His treatment suggestion was to have a hysterectomy and take care of everything all at once,” she said. Hysterectomy is one of the most common and effective methods of fibroid removal. “Emotionally, I was thinking, ‘OK, that is a treatment option’ because you just want to get it over with. But I had a friend who was an interventional radiologist, and she suggested that I get a second opinion. I eventually agreed with her because the idea of having a hysterectomy and having an organ taken out—that is a big part of your body, and it defines me as a woman. When I thought things through, I knew there had to be another way to deal with this.”

Alicia’s Fibroid Symptoms

Heart palpitations
Shortness of breath 
Heavy periods
Difficulty sleeping

Alicia’s case is not unlike many women. More than 60% of the roughly 171 million women worldwide who suffer from fibroids still are not aware of what fibroids are and the non-surgical fibroid treatment options that exist. This can be because of several reasons, including the fact that many women are hesitant to talk about these matters with their doctor, and doctors who normalize their symptoms as part of being a woman.

However, there is also something to be said about the amount of misinformation women are receiving when they do speak up. According to a study published in the American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology, as many as 1 in 5 women in the United States whose doctor recommended a hysterectomy did not need one. Meanwhile, the same researchers found that 37.7% of women included in the study had no documentation indicating they underwent alternative treatment prior to undergoing a hysterectomy. The reality is that many physicians, including gynecologists, wellness doctors, chiropractors, and general practitioners, have not heard of UFE before or are unsure how well it works. They may even cite older experiences with the procedure of patients referred to UFE experiencing pain that the physician must manage because the radiologist who performed the procedure was not involved post-op. As a result, UFE may never be brought up.

Thankfully the modern management of UFE has evolved from the early days. In fact, at Fibroid Institute our highly specific formula helps patients experience little to no pain after UFE when they follow the recommended medicine chart from their fibroid doctor.

Wondering “is UFE right for me?”

Download a free checklist to see if you are a candidate for fibroid treatment without surgery.

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Questions To Ask Your Doctor Regarding Fibroid Treatment

Fibroid Awareness Month was created to draw attention to uterine fibroids, give women access to fibroid treatment alternatives and education, and push for more adequate funding levels. While slow at first, Texas, California, Florida, Georgia, Maryland, New York, Pennsylvania, Washington D.C., South Carolina, and Virginia now recognize July as Fibroid Awareness Month. The hope is to have Fibroid Awareness Month observed at a national level so that more women can be supported and cared for while at the same time understanding their condition and gaining confidence from the start. This includes knowing what questions to ask to spark improved patient-doctor dialogue.

fibroid treatment medical chart

Questions to Ask Your OBGYN

Here are a few questions you can ask your doctor about fibroids and fibroid treatment options:

  • What are uterine fibroids?
  • Is there anything I can do to prevent fibroids?
  • How can fibroids affect pregnancy?
  • Are fibroids cancerous?
  • Do I need treatment?
  • What tests are involved?
  • When do I have them treated?
  • What are all my fibroid treatment options?
  • What are the risks of fibroid surgery?
  • Can I avoid surgery?
  • What is recovery like?
  • What are the risks if I do nothing?
  • What are the chances that fibroids return after treatment?
  • Do you have a relationship with an interventional radiologist?
  • After treatment, when will I feel better?

One of the beautiful aspects of Alicia’s story is that she received coordinated care from her gynecologist and Fibroid Institute Texas. She went through a surgical procedure to remove her ovarian cysts, followed by the UFE procedure to take care of her fibroids. In terms of the UFE experience, Alicia said it was an easy recovery.

UFE is a highly effective non-surgical treatment option where an experienced interventional radiologist inserts a small catheter into the radial artery at the wrist and advances it to the location of the targeted area. They then inject tiny particles to block blood flow into nonessential blood vessels leading to the fibroid tumors, causing fibroids to shrink and die.

There was no hospital stay or lengthy recovery time, and all Alicia’s fibroids were treated at the same time.

“Something I really appreciated was that when I was shown my MRI, they were compassionate and did not try to pressure me—they simply said UFE was another option to consider besides surgery,” Alicia said. “They wanted the best care for me, regardless of what I ultimately chose, and that mattered to me. Once I chose UFE, the fibroid treatment itself and the recovery were seamless.”

Alicia would recommend UFE to any woman and suggested that more women educate themselves on their options.

“The public should know more about fibroid treatment alternatives,” she said. “As women, we should have options for what we can do with our bodies. For something like fibroids, it does not have to be a big surgery.”

 “They wanted the best care for me, regardless of what I ultimately chose, and that mattered to me. Once I chose UFE, the fibroid treatment itself and the recovery were seamless.” – Alicia

Visit Our 100% Fibroid-Focused Practice Instead of Suffering with Fibroids

At Fibroid Institute, we are dedicated to improving awareness of fibroids and fibroid treatment options for women. While a hysterectomy may be the recommended option for some, it not necessarily the best option for every woman. That’s where nonsurgical alternatives such as UFE can help.

Thousands of women visit Fibroid Institute year-round to meet our highly specialized fibroid treatment team who offer concierge-level care. We are happy to cater to those needs and offer a nonsurgical solution: uterine fibroid embolization. UFE is the gold standard in non-surgical fibroid treatment. At Fibroid Institute’s Houston and Dallas fibroid clinics, we help thousands of women avoid fibroid surgery and find relief from their fibroid symptoms. Meet some of these women here:

Our fibroid doctors are board-certified interventional radiologists and experts who are passionate about helping women become #FibroidFree. Because experience matters, our physicians have completed more than 40,000 interventional radiology cases over the course of a combined 55 years of experience.

Most major medical insurance providers cover the cost of UFE. Get started now with Fibroid Institute Dallas at 214-838-6440 or with Fibroid Institute Houston at 713-903-3733 or complete the form below.

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This information is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Prior to starting any new treatment or if you have questions regarding a medical condition, always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health provider.

Fibroid Institute Texas serves the Dallas and Houston areas including Addison, Carrollton, Plano, Frisco, Craig Ranch, McKinney, Allen, Fort Worth, Grand Prairie, HEB, Arlington, Hutchins, Irving, Duncanville, DeSoto, Cedar Hill, Lancaster, Cockrell Hill, Highland Park, University Park, Park Cities, Garland, Mesquite, Richardson, Dallas, Sherman, Houston, Sugar Land, Katy, Webster, Clear Lake, The Woodlands, Universal City, Spring, Kingwood, Stafford, Conroe, Texas City, Cypress, League City, Bellaire, and more.

*Patient names and/or photos may be changed to protect patient confidentiality.

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