Do you have period problems from fibroids?

If yes, you may qualify for fibroid treatment without surgery.

Uterine Fibroid Embolization (UFE)

A Non-Surgical Treatment for Fibroids

Our number one patient-preferred treatment option is Uterine Fibroid Embolization (UFE). This state-of-the-art procedure requires no surgery, no incision, and no vaginal access. See why UFE is the right choice for you to become Fibroid Free and take your life back:

Doctor fibroids Benefits of UFE No incision
Doctor fibroids Benefits of UFE Outpatient
Doctor fibroids Benefits of UFE Recovery
Doctor fibroids Benefits of UFE No surgery
Doctor fibroids Benefits of UFE Pregnancy
Doctor fibroids Benefits of UFE Success

Contact Us Now to Request a Free Phone Screening

Looking for fibroid treatment without surgery? See if you qualify from the comfort of your home. No physical exam. No vaginal access.

Only 10-15 minutes is all it takes for a free phone screening. Speak with one of our uterine fibroid specialists. Cover your symptoms and a brief medical history to determine your eligibility.

Patient Testimonials

See and hear how UFE has improved the lives of our patients:

UFE is covered by most major insurance plans.

Why Choose Fibroid Institute Houston: 100% Fibroid Focused Practice

Meet Your Fibroid Doctor

Fibroid Experience Matters

John Fischer, MD

Dr. John Fischer is a board certified radiologist with a certificate of added qualification (CAQ) in interventional radiology. He has extensive training in performing minimally invasive procedures with x-ray guidance. Based on his years in practice, he is the among the top experienced UFE specialists in Houston.

He has completed over 3,500 UFE procedures since 2000, including one of the first UFEs in Houston. For over 20 years, he helped train dozens of interventional radiology (IR) fellows, teaching UFE and other complex IR procedures. By performing UFE in the comfort of our fibroid clinics, Dr. Fischer is fulfilling his passion to help women live fibroid free without major surgery.

Dr. Fischer supports the patient centered focus at Fibroid Institute Houston. Nothing is more important to him than doing what is best for the patient. He utilizes the latest UFE techniques, including proprietary pain control protocols, and tailors them to each individual patient.

Find out why so many women turn to Dr. Fischer, with the Fibroid Institute Houston team, for non-surgical uterine fibroid treatment in the Houston area and all of South Texas.

“Knowledge is power. It is imperative that patients educate themselves about all available options and understand the advantages, disadvantages, and potential benefits/risks of each. As a physician, I believe one of my primary responsibilities, besides being a healer, is as an educator. Thankfully, many patients have more than one option and informed patients can confidently choose the option best for them.”

Houston fibroid doctor Dr. John Fischer banner — Dr. John Fischer, Fibroid Specialist

Contact Us Now to Schedule a Consult Appointment

Need help with a fibroid diagnosis or questions about fibroid treatment? Schedule a consultation to learn more. Every patient is evaluated during a telehealth or office consult. If you are a candidate for UFE, a consult is required prior to your procedure.

Schedule a consult in South Texas at Fibroid Institute Houston. Click the button for locations.

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