Coronavirus Update: We Are Open

Dedicated to Patient Care, even in Difficult Times:

Dr. Slonim and her team are dedicated to the health and safety of our patients, employees and community. Our practice is open and doing our part in limiting the spread of the Coronavirus (COVID-19). We can still treat you in our office and provide some relief during this difficult time.

Please rest assured when you visit for your appointment you will be safe. Following are extra precautions we have implemented to protect you:

COVID-19 Precautions

Coronavirus virtual appointments COVID-19
  • We will minimize in person interactions by utilizing virtual appointments with telemedicine visits and FaceTime appointments.
  • For patients that require physical appointments, we will proactively screen patients according to the CDC guidelines.
  • We encourage practicing social distancing from employees and other patients in the waiting area and office.
Coronavirus sanitizing COVID-19
  • In addition to our usual daily cleaning, we have implemented rigorous cleaning protocols throughout each day to sanitize and disinfect the counters, door handles, pens, all office equipment and patient areas.
  • Our staff is dedicated to hand washing and sanitizing between patient encounters and we encourage our patients to do the same with hand washing or hand sanitizer that you will find throughout the office.
Coronavirus hand washing COVID-19
  • If you or anyone you’ve had contact with are running a fever, coughing, have difficulty breathing or have any symptoms of a cold or flu, please reschedule your appointment until you are recovered.
  • If you have had recent travel, exposure to large groups of people or recent exposure to anyone with confirmed COVID-19, please do not come to the office. Stay home and seek advice from your primary health care provider. We do not have the testing supplies on-site for you to be tested.

We are closely monitoring all information from the CDC and Dallas County Human and Health Services to ensure the health and safety of our patients and employees. We understand the stress and anxiety this causes. Please contact our office should you have any questions or concerns 214-838-6440.

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