DFW women

Fibroid Institute Dallas Supports DFW Women with Community Volunteer Days

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – DALLAS, TEXAS (May 2022): Fibroid Institute Dallas, a specialty medical practice in North Texas providing non-surgical uterine fibroid treatment, supports DFW women in the local community through hands-on team community volunteer days.

Community and Connections

Volunteering to support DFW women initially started as a bonding exercise at Fibroid Institute Dallas but has now become a favorite activity for the entire team. As part of the process, team members work together to select projects at local non-profits that need hands-on help. According to Founder and Medical Director Dr. Suzanne Slonim, “We want to make sure the organization is reputable, and preferably one that directly benefits women in our community.” 

Volunteer projects last about four hours each and include active duties that allow volunteers to experience and learn about the nonprofit’s mission. Team members bond with both the organization and each other, fostering strong community ties. Nurse Practitioner Esther Kibira says, “Many of the volunteer opportunities don’t require specific skills, just time and willingness. All of us at Fibroid Institute Dallas see the value of volunteering in our community. Even the smallest task can be of great help. Sorting clothing, packaging food, and writing encouraging notes don’t take special skills, just a heart for helping others.”

Organizations and Projects

Volunteer projects for Fibroid Institute Dallas include:

  • Hagar’s Heart partners with domestic violence shelters to provide boxes of self-care and personal items often left behind when leaving an abusive situation quickly. The goal is to help DFW women feel seen, worthy and loved. Volunteers created “I see you” boxes, adding personal notes of encouragement. It was an especially meaningful day for the team members affected by domestic violence at some point in their lives.
  • North Texas Food Bank found the volunteers in friendly competition with each other to pack the most boxes of food to feed hungry children and families in the community. Again, sorted supplies included notes of encouragement and support.
  • Communities Foundation of Texas CFT4 Business, Fibroid Institute Dallas volunteers are provided a road map for successful volunteerism while partnering with other altruistic businesses. Through this organization, they volunteered at Shoes for Orphan Soles through Buckner International. Two mornings were spent sorting thousands of donated shoes and socks to be distributed to orphans and vulnerable children throughout the world.

The team looks forward to future volunteer opportunities with the following:

  • The White Dress Project raises global awareness about uterine fibroids, providing education, research, community, and advocacy. Dr. Slonim was invited to be a part of their advisory council.
  • Texas Women’s Foundation strives for social and economic equality for women, girls, and families. Programing, fundraising, and other needs promise rewarding volunteer opportunities.

The Fibroid Institute Dallas team is currently researching projects benefiting efforts to alleviate local poverty. They plan on participating in a volunteer project that will include family members, setting an example for their children to become active citizens.

A Culture of Volunteerism

Fibroid Institute Dallas strives to be a leader in fostering a culture of volunteerism both within the office and in the community. The women’s medical practice is creating an atmosphere where passion, enthusiasm and teamwork are celebrated. This builds camaraderie, trust, and community amongst the team. While not required, volunteer projects are strongly encouraged and time off is provided to participants. Says volunteer participant and Insurance Coordinator/Surgical Scheduler Ana Piña, “We get to bond with our team outside of work and feel better helping people in our local community.” It’s a win-win for local community organizations and the Fibroid Institute Dallas team.

About Dr. Suzanne Slonim and Dr. Uma Reddy

Dr. Suzanne Slonim and Dr. Uma Reddy are board certified interventional radiologists, trained to perform minimally invasive procedures with x-ray guidance. They are among only 12 percent in their highly specialized field who are women.

The doctors have completed more than 36,000 interventional radiology cases over the course of a combined 33 years of experience, making this team extremely qualified as fibroid specialists. By performing UFE in-office, Drs. Slonim and Reddy are fulfilling their passion to help women live fibroid free without major surgery.

Thousands of DFW women have turned to Drs. Slonim and Reddy and the Fibroid Institute Dallas team for non-surgical uterine fibroid treatment.

About Fibroid Institute Dallas

Medical Director Dr. Suzanne Slonim founded Fibroid Institute Dallas in 2016 out of concern for the high incidence of surgeries to treat uterine fibroids. Fibroid Institute Dallas is dedicated to expanding access to a minimally invasive procedure called uterine fibroid embolization (UFE) and educating women about fibroid treatment options.

Uterine fibroids are abnormal growths in the uterus that affect three out of four women, most often between the ages of 30 and 50. Although usually benign, fibroids may lead to life-altering symptoms, such as severe pelvic pain and heavy periods. Fibroids can also cause abdominal bloating, urinary frequency, back pain, and reproductive dysfunction including miscarriage, early labor, and infertility. They are often discovered during routine health testing.

Uterine fibroid embolization (UFE) is a non-surgical treatment that uses image-guided interventional radiology and a small radial catheter in the wrist to introduce microscopic particles that block blood flow to the fibroids, causing them to shrink and die while preserving the uterus. It is a safe, fast, and minimally invasive procedure, often providing an alternative to hysterectomy (removal of the uterus) or myomectomy (surgical removal of the fibroids). Covered by most insurance plans, UFE requires a much shorter recovery time than traditional surgery. The success rate for the procedure is over 90%. 

For More Information

Fibroid Institute Dallas has two locations: a main office at 12840 Hillcrest Road, Suite E104, Dallas, TX 75230 and a satellite office at 1010 East Wheatland Road, Suite 200, Duncanville, TX 75116. For more information contact Fibroid Institute Dallas at 214-838-6440 or visit FibroidFree.com.


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